Hotline: +88 09617446688  |  IDRA Hotline : 16130
Credit Rating :  AAA     | Webmail


Be an accountable and reliable service oriented organization.

Be the most caring insurance service provider company - shouldering risk and providing safety and security.

Be innovative in insurance products and selling techniques.

Maintain high level of transparency and ethical standard in all corporate dealings.

Be contemporary with new ways and means to render top class customer services in accordance with changing business environment and emerging challenges.

Continue delivering attractive returns to shareholders

Be responsive to the Corporate Social Responsibility.

To become a leading service oriented organization that will provide the customers with a feeling of blanket of risk protection so that the client can run his business/vocation in a seamless manner.


We have a dream to become a trendsetter as leading insurance organization and the insurer of first choice in Bangladesh. We believe that satisfaction of our valued customer lies at the heart of our every operation and we make their life & property secure and safe as embodied our slogan "Symbol of Security & Peace".


Values are the basis of all our actions and ambitions. They serve as a guideline of the company & inspire the actions of employee. Values considered as mirror of doing and thinking, for the well-being of our customers, shareholders, workforce, patrons and the community. The values are:-
Integrity Honesty & integrity is the basis of our service.
Human dignity We acknowledge and pay respect to our valued client
Modernism We are innovative in selling insurance products and techniques
Professionalism Render top class customer service is our prime object
Pragmatism We try to make our service easier and prompt.
Progressiveness We are creative and always try to render our services with contemporary ways and means.
Performance Satisfaction of our client is our prime motto. We satisfy our client by shouldering their risk and providing safety & security.
Team spirit We are committed to bring about operational excellence through our team sprit


We believe in quick & quality service to our valued customer which is the focal point of our operation. Through quality and need based services as well as superior performance, we have the ability to run our business as per our customers expectations. As we form bondage with our valued clients, so we try to nourish and develop it into a sustainable relationship.


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Friday   14th  February, 2025