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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The company participates in various social activities which is an ongoing process. Our social responsibilities extend from our staff to the common people. The company contributed Tk.1,00,000 to the Sheikh Hasina National Institute of Burn and Plastic Surgery through the Bangladesh Insurance Association (BIA) for providing medical assistance to burn victims in various fires. Tk. 3,63,200/- has been donated for the purchase of furniture for the education of poor students at a School in the capital. Donation of Tk. 1,00,000/- has been given to the Bangladesh Insurance Association (BIA) for the victims of flood affected people in Sylhet. Besides a donation of TK. 1,00,000/- has been given for the treatment of a distressed person. Tk.10,000/- has been given to organize a cricket tournament as part of encouraging and motivating the youth of the country towards sports.


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Friday   14th  February, 2025